Don't know why but suddenly felt that while writing on this blog earlier, i missed out mentioning one very important thing, my college. Yes my college IMS ,most of the ppl wudnt ve even heard its name, but for me it is a place where i met some great ppl, made some friends for lifetime and learnt a lot, in short had a blast. So in my memory space, no doubt, IMS has a big chunk to its name, right from appy,nids ,amu(ppl i cant imagine i cud survive without talkin to), canteen (the chai & manchurian which i must ve had more than 10000 times), the chana chor wala bhaiya, the historical parking( testimonial to numerous luv stories & breakups as well), the library we went only to take snaps,the "sahchintan" where there was evrythin happening except fr chintan,and the variety of human species that i came across during those 2 years which added to my knowledge of OB( my HR friends would know this), these are some of the many things that i owe to IMS.
Never knew that once out of that campus i will be missing it so much, but now that i m no more able to even visit the campus when i want to, i realise that i ve started missing all those things about IMS i once used to hate. I remember cribbing all throughout, about how students in private colleges so easily get the priveliges that we needed to fight & struggle for. But realized that it made us stronger and more prepared for dealing with the outside world.
Enough of serious thoughts, coz in IMS there is one thing people dont know anything about ,"Being serious", you enjoy at any cost, if you have back to back papers, semester course getting winded up just 2 months, 70% students getting debarred or learning 4 days in prior to the exam that the timetable has changed.We ve seen & experienced it all, still had that amazingly cool & serene smile i think is typically the characteristic of an IMSian (I think IMS should start courses like"How not to take tension, and be relaxed" )
Had just one thing to tell all the people across the globe, studying in a college:
“You have few years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You’ll never remember class time, but you’ll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don’t have. Drink ’til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does…"
Surviving 2024
I’m not sure where to begin or how to describe a year that changed my life
forever. I spent most of 2024 simply trying to withstand the storm. I
watched my...
2 months ago