Lazy lamhe
"Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. ~John Shirley"
So true and apt, as i write this post on the end of one more week, i am surrounded by some feelings i am sure all of you can relate to, feeling of dullness, sadness and the emptiness that the Sunday eve brings with it.You plan the 2 days right from the monday eve, and end up doing just 20-30% of what you intended to, but nevertheless there's always one more weekend for the rest of the tasks.
I also had similar plannings in mind for this weekend, but ofcourse my plannings never include any sort of work, and much of it is covered under the head "sleeping". But as i said i was hardly able to do 20% of it. All i did was shopping like crazy, roaming on the commercial street with my roomie ( since we just got our salary recently & had few more days before we would start running short of money) , ate all time favorite street food( Vada Pav, Panipuri, etc etc & some more etc.) and finally funniest of all spent the Sunday roaming around bangalore in buses and doing absolutely nothing,just pure chilling out it was. But loads & tonnes of pure platonic FUN.
And ofcourse as always there were plans for next weekend, next to next weekend and a bit about the one after that also.
Don't know what and how much of it is really going to take place but one thing is for sure, i really wish all my weekends be a ditto of this one. Simply Amazing !!!!!!!
My Blog List
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7 years ago
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