Some beautiful words written by someone( I don't know the author, but whoever it is ,want to acknowledge him/her for the amazing work)
" People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered ; forgive them anyways,
If you are kind people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives; be kind anyways,
If you are successful , you will win some false frndz and some true enemies; succeed anyways,
If you r honest & frank,ppl may cheat you; be honest anyways,
Wht u spend yrs building,someone might destroy overnight;build anyways,
If you find serenity & happiness,they may be jealous; be happy anyways,
The gud u do today, ppl will often 4get tomorrow; do gud anyways,
Give the world the best u 've, nd it may never be enough, give the world the best nyways,
You see in final analysis, it is between you and god; it was never between you and them anyways."
I often read this ,when i am upset on someone or something seems going wrong, and it works wonders for me,Hope it does for you as well!!!!!!!
Surviving 2024
I’m not sure where to begin or how to describe a year that changed my life
forever. I spent most of 2024 simply trying to withstand the storm. I
watched my...
2 months ago
nice lines and there are some lines may be songs or may be any event which always gives you positive feeling when you feel alone,lonely or down